Comments on: Character (Ac)Counts: Steelers Wide Receiver David Nelson An Introspective Steelers Site Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:50:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: mike Thu, 27 Aug 2015 08:52:31 +0000 I hope that one day you will be able to let go of your hate for Vic, or maybe you never will.You explained quite well without needing a pic when you called Vick “a creature”.I will be leaving my “puke bucket” at home.


By: ObiRynDenobi Thu, 27 Aug 2015 07:03:34 +0000 And while I love Jack and I can’t figure out how else to post a picture, I hope my new gravatar will explain better than I clearly can.


By: ObiRynDenobi Thu, 27 Aug 2015 06:32:52 +0000 I’m not saying he can never be forgiven. I’m saying he should NOT be welcomed with open arms simply because we need a backup quarterback. I’m saying that the people who may need to reach for a puke bucket when this creature takes the field in black and gold expecting our cheers should NOT be treated like WE are the bad guys here!


By: Geoffrey Benedict Thu, 27 Aug 2015 03:45:02 +0000 Tomlin believes, really believes in mentoring. We have a lot of good people in our room, including a good number who seem to have gotten their act together.

I have no doubt Tomlin believes Vick isn’t going back down that route, but also believes that the worst of us, when redeemed can do great things.
I feel better about it because of how much the Rooney’s detest anyone bringing distractions to the team. If they are willing to sign off on Vick, then he’s convinced them too.

Liked by 1 person

By: ObiRynDenobi Wed, 26 Aug 2015 23:46:53 +0000 The NFL can never figure out how to STOP the Steelers or why HEEEEEATTTHHHHH!!!!!!! emanates from the rafters of their own home stadiums at certain times when those black and gold guys visit. The answer is quite simple and obvious actually. The hearts are bigger here! Black and gold MEANS SOMETHING HERE!! It’s probably why Vick’s dogs were sent HERE to be rescued in the first place and why some people here, myself included, might find it somewhat difficult to take in Mike Vick wearing the same colors as Rocky Bleier, Willie Gay or David Nelson.

I just hope that ONE of you do not sweep the pictures of his prized ‘winners’ under the carpet! They say even one picture is worth a thousand words!

And when you LOOK at them remember that this is what he did in his spare time for shits and giggles because it was FUN!


By: Rebecca Wed, 26 Aug 2015 21:58:02 +0000 I am writing an article at the moment. No, it’s not called “Character Accounts,” because I think this situation tells us more about us than it does about Michael Vick. Ivan is also working on an article. I’m not sure what he will have to say. I don’t know that you will like either article. But I hope you will read them and let us know what you think.


By: ObiRynDenobi Wed, 26 Aug 2015 20:28:10 +0000 Oh, and those are the ‘winners,’ Ma’am! The losers he hanged and shot because they cost him his bet! “Character Accounts — Mike Vick” should be interesting.


By: ObiRynDenobi Wed, 26 Aug 2015 20:22:35 +0000 I’ve read many of those statements and they all seem to have ONE thing in common — Mike Vick and the effect of all this on Mike Vick, Ma’am. Try googling “mike vick’s dogs” and judge for yourself. I must warn you, Ma’am, the pictures need to be prepared for!


By: Rebecca Wed, 26 Aug 2015 18:51:22 +0000 Dogfighting disgusts me, and I love animals, but I also believe in repentance and second chances. As far as anyone can tell, he’s been a model citizen since serving his time. Tony Dungy vouched for him, and I expect that was good enough for Mike Tomlin.


By: ObiRynDenobi Wed, 26 Aug 2015 18:31:41 +0000 I prefer to be the forgiving type, but this one’s HARD! Most of his rescued dogs were sent here. I believe at least half were so ripped-up they had to be put down. I’ll try to keep an open mind, but that guy in black and gold? I don’t know.

